We took the kids to the dentist. Jordyn got her teeth cleaned, and then she held Jacob's hand and my hand when we got our teeth cleaned and told us it was going to be okay.

Jordyn was hospitalized because she had a fever. On a Monday, she had a fever, so I took her to clinic. Her counts were okay at anc 800, so we were able to take her home after some iv antibiotics. The next day she still had a fever, so we took her to the er, and her counts had dropped enough that they admitted her to the hospital. It ended up being a three day stay, and we came home with her on iv antibiotics. When she was admitted, they had us put her chemo pills on hold until her counts recovered. It was almost two weeks that she wasn't getting chemo. By the end of that time, she had sooo much energy. I sometimes don't think I always realize how much energy and life the chemo sucks out of my child, and this was a reminder of that.

We had agreed to do Hyundai Hope on Wheels at the Salt Lake City Marathon that Saturday, so I was super nervous taking her out because I knew her counts were low. It ended up being pretty fun, even though it was super rainy. Jordyn got to put her hand print on two art canvases and one of the doctor's lab coats. They tried to get pictures of her and some video, but Jordyn was being really shy and just tucked her head into my shoulder.

We got our little family's picture, and we were also able to talk with a fellow cancer family. It was really nice to chat with another cancer mommy.

Jordyn recently had a dance recital. It was fun, but definitely a bit nerve racking for me with there being so many people there. She was super cute, and she had a lot of fun on the big stage, and I am really proud of her!

I uploaded a video of it to youtube. The quality didn't stay what it was on my computer, so it is kind of hard to see as well as I would have liked, but here is the link if you are interested in watching her do her dances.
Jordyn was pretty excited last week when it snowed and she was able to make a snow man.
Thursday was clinic. They had her start up on her chemo pills again, and they plan to check her anc with home health in 2 weeks to see where she is at and how her immune system is holding up with the same dose they had her on that made her drop the first time. Jordyn really wanted to wear one of her princess dresses to clinic, and I let her. She got so excited every time someone said something about her dress.

Jordyn was SUPER brave that day. Usually, Mommy holds her on her lap when she gets accessed (poked with the long needle), but I was able to talk her into letting me hold her hand instead so that I could take a video for her uncle that he had requested of her getting her medical like stuff done. She did so good and was sooo proud of herself and she just knew uncle Jon would be proud of her too.
She played iwth green snow while we waited for her chemo. She also got the purple crown she is wearing that day in clinic and has worn it pretty much every day since then.

One of Jordyn's amazing angels sent her some fairy dust, which she was super excited about. (She is always excited to get anything in the mail, especially from her lovely angels) We did a mini photo shoot of her playing with it outside.

I never thought that maintenance would be as stressful as it has been on me. It is really strange being in this place where we are kind of in between cancer and normal. She is doing pretty well. Since starting her chemo again, she has been pretty tired lately, but is hanging in there.