We went to clinic last Thursday. Jordyn had excellent counts and they are keeping her oral chemo dose that she takes at home the same. We got her paperwork filled out for Kindergarten, which she will start in the fall this year. I can't believe how old she is and how little she was when we started this journey. We are getting excited for August 16th, which will be her last chemo as long as everything falls into place like we hope it does. She had a lumbar puncture that day, so it was a long day with that and her pentamadine that she gets that runs over an hour for her antibiotic. She will get her last iv chemo, lumbar puncture/spinal tap, as well as her port removed at the end of July. That will also be the day that she gets to ring the bell in clinic to signify the end of chemo (even though she will still take meds at home until August 16th).

We have been able to do more fun things since Jordyn has had good counts. We were able to take her to Wheeler Farm to see the baby animals, and both kids loved it!

We were also blessed to be a part of the Make a Wish Easter party at the zoo. It was a lot of fun. The kids got their faces painted and had a fun time looking at the animals.

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